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Your Prayers


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

isnt going back to school just so horribly sian, suddenly everything is just even more pointless than it already was in the first place.

lang arts a will be rendered useless for the whole year if we decide to do the question on poems deep and dangerous. and vice versa

i'm screwed for chem, always have been, its so hard to be interested in a subject when you see the point of learning it - just to be able to write on a piece of paper to get another piece of paper in return

dont give a damn about chinese, chinese grade's already screwed, why bother?

math... i know i'm screwed cause of the first semester even though i learnt pretty much okay so far.. oh wait, nvm i'm screwed anyway

hmm ihs, its a decision on whether i want to subject myself to memorising an otherwise interesting stack of notes about venice

sounds stupid but i think school rather much kills your interest for a subject that would otherwise be interesting. oh well. you realise that school isnt so much about gaining knowledge but its just to get a degree to get a job to get money to buy food and drink and shelter

to survive

ok nvm i admit its really flawed logic since whether i gain knowledge is up to me and blahblahblah but i dont see any point cause i dont see any practical use for gaining certain knowledges

*looks at bio and chem and physics on time table and scoffs*



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