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Your Prayers


Saturday, September 03, 2005

bah havent found much to blog about for the past few days... newfound freedom has proven to be rather distracting. thanks all who came yesterday and livened up my house ^^

had quite a discussion with my tuition teacher today about 'usefulness' in that sense. she told me about her brother in law who was so uselesss he couldnt do ANY housework and couldnt even tidy up his own room... but he was a lawyer, so she was saying about how she would always look down on him. but with valid reason

i think it shows that grades dont prove a person's ability to contribute constructively to society other than to use that stupid piece of paper (maybe laminated) to get a job, that stupid piece of paper that supposedly is the most accurate measure of your ability

that stupid piece of paper that you spend a full quarter of your life working for, assuming you die of old age

not very happy but not excessively disappointed with my term average of 67, maybe if i didnt do so damn badly in chinese i would have gotten higher

heck i even got 65 for chem, how impossible... and i suppose ihs had quite a big part, considering that i only got a freaking 19/30 on my essay because i didnt put bloody footnotes... what the hell, is that not such a stupid reason to be marked down? oh well suppose its all my fault for thinking that it was stupid and redundant

proves thaty sometimes you jsut have to follow blindly so that you dont die... the irony

the holidays are here and church is coming with holy communion in tow, i'm so happy to be rostered for next sunday and probably next next sunday as well... and i really love the songs that are coming up, which include:

my praise
amazing love

whoopee, now i am faced with this predicament of transporting two guitars to church with only one bag



"a thin line separates life and death" that was the title for my chinese composition which i was actually quite excited to do but got terribly distracted... i think its quite true, you are either alive, or youre dead, theres no way you can be in between. (hears kenny shouting "SLOWWW")


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