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Your Prayers


Saturday, September 10, 2005

after a particularly insane convo with a certain WOMAN... i have learnt a few valuable lessons in 'logic', or lack of it.

Rule 1:

if you like something, and you like something else, those two things are equal

example: i like muffins, and i like carrots, so THEREFORE, muffins = carrots!

Rule 2:

if you say something about someone, that something applies to everybody with the same name

example: chris is blur, and since chriskng has the same name as chrisong, both of them are blur

(not that its false but i'ts just as example ^^)

Rule 3 :

this rule is very difficult to explain in words so just look at the example to understand what i am talking about

example : chriskng views chrisong as being 'slightly blur', i view chriskng (and chrisong) as being 'very blur', so we can work out an equation as follows ->

chriskng = chrisong
chriskng = very blur (my viewpoint)
chrisong = slightly blur (chriskng's viewpoint)
(my viewpoint) very blur = slightly blur (chriskng's viewpoint)
thus chrisong = slightly blur


Rule 4:

good + good = bad!

example: chrisong = good, me = good (go on cough to death you morons -.-)
BUT chrisong + me = ANGST
so therefore, GOOD + GOOD = BAD

a less subjective example would be this :
milk = tasty
ketchup = tasty
but milk + ketchup = sick crap

which kinda makes sense but when you think about the good + good = bad thing it doesnt make sense at all :S

What the 'prophet' has to say about her newly made rules:

"i love my logic (:"
"hey i have good logic k!!!"




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