Mood: BLEH
Music: What you've done for me by Planet Shakers
whoo planet shakers rocks... full of crazy songs that i can play along to and go mad! bwahahahha
avalon rocks too btw ^^" pity i only have four songs with a few more on download process
school was typically monday... SIAN
adv math was fun albeit confusing and frustrating
chem was constructive
lang arts b retarded
IHS was dumb
actually it was just that dumb fugly b!+(# lee gek kim... like wth lah, is it a REQUIREMENT for teachers to be bitchy adn wear a perpetual frown on their faces? i think NOT?!?!
lang arts a was.. EXHAUSTING
physics was unconstructive until the five minute crash course at the end
ride home was... entertaining as a product of my boredom
bye bye
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