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Your Prayers


Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Mood: Resentful
Music: Perfect by Simple Plan

ahhh.. parents... evil overlords of your house... to all those of you who have good and nice relationships with your parents... good for you... seriously.

and what about me? i'm stuck with a pair of over-restrictive parents who think that they understand me... geez, i mean like, no one does right? not even them, seriously... so why dont they just stop pretending that they do? maybe they feel that they like fail as parents if they dont understand their child? But it isnt their fault if they dont...

anyway i'm damn pissed with my parents at their disapproval of my music, my mom at least... oh i'm not allowed to play music in my sister's room where the comm is located cause it'll disturb her work.... heck i'm not even allowed to PLUCK MY GUITAR in her room!!! it's simply outrageous, they dont go on the verge of throwing the grand piano away when i'm working in the same room right?! biased people... ohoh my mum says that my songs make her very agitated... well the only thing i can say is WELCOME TO MY LIFE... that's EXACTLY how i feel when dumbass classical cds are played in the CAR.... NO ESCAPE

and another thing is that they dont let me stay up after 10 to watch tv... like wtf... not like i cant wake up right? lame reasons like ohoh your mindset will not be right for tmr and crap like that... geez... even though they dont let me watch i'll still stay up anyways... maybe just to spite them but thats not the point...Then the next day i have to endure people talking about the shows they watched and stuff...

i'm not allowed my own comm in my room... WHY?! because apparently i'm NOT RESPONSIBLE ENOUGH... is that up to them to decide? how would they know? doesnt keeping a bunch of fish in the pink of health prove me to be responsible enough? geez... just like you pple... they wont give me a chance... they have ZERO respect for my privacy, probing into my wallet... getting all upset just cause i decided to put PIN CODE REQUEST ON... geez... i'm turning FIFTEEN...

they have no concept of puntuality, like dont give a damn whether i'm early or late... "a bit late also can"... LIke what kind of attutude is that lah?! some things serously cant be altered... like CHURCH!!! we cant even get there on time, let alone meet our pastor's request to turn up five minutes earlier so that we can calm our souls down for worship....

oh well.... maybe i'm just being bloody ungrateful, but i see the parents of others... and i am jealous... too bad i cant choose who my parents are.. so i think i'll just learn to live then...



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