Mood: very depressed... dont even know why i wanna blog... or even live
Music: none cause my stupid music player screwed up
what happened in school today? nothing interesting that i can remember of, any nice thing probably wont cheer me up so theres no point writing it... at least physics test was easy like crap...
went home then left home within 30 minutes to go for some assesment test to see which level of guitar class i should go for... oh whoopee i'm level 4 out of 6... quite good already... at least thats one thing i dont suck at...
got home, played my guitar in an attempt to cheer myself up... think it worked? even my favourite song (God of Wonders) couldnt cheer me up... that song has a lot of meaning to me... it's the song that inspired me to play the guitar, the song i learned my strumming on... the song that i first learned to pluck...
So now here i am, blogging, not in the mood to do anything in particular, desperately searching for some way to release my emotions... there are simply too many thoughts in my head... pondering on the meaning of life...
i feel like commiting suicide...
anyway what is the purpose of humans on this Earth? they dont allow themselves to be part of any food chain, they contribute nothing to the environment but instead destroy and manipulate it, and claim themselves to be ruler over everything. seriously, would the world be any different if humans were just, gone? the world would probably be a better place. then i think, God created man in his own image, thus we must have a purpose, for him. i believe that our purpose here on earth is to praise him and worship him, cause thats probably why we were created in the first place.... thats probably why i take worship seriously... i believe that God has a will for each and every one of us, that our life is already laid out for us, and that we are just a train, with path set by God to follow. Thus sometimes when something bad happens, i try to comfort myself with the thought that God willed this to happen, therefore it must have a purpose, no matter how bad it may be...
In case any of you are wondering why i am so depressed, the answer is... i dont know, seriously... all i know is that i think my life is just screwed up... i just suck in everything i do, it's tough living in a life like this when nothing ever works out... maybe you should try it one day
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